The Swiss Family Robinson by
Johann David Wyss
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Synopsis: After a shipwreck, the narrator, his wife, and four sons find themselves castaways on an uninhabited island. Retrieving what they can from the ship, they construct a life for themselves through their own resourcefulness — building a tree house, finding such foods as coconuts, sugarcane, honey, and potatoes, and securing themselves against danger.
Genres: Classic, Adventure, Survival, Fiction.
Review: I love this book! It's a wholesome enriching classic. Full of adventure and other fun happenings, it follows a family of rowdy boys and their parents. The things they create to survive on an island are quite ingenius and creative. It's very fun to read. The writing is enriching. There are some hard words, but it is generally understandable. One thing I love is that the family does not forget to thank God for their blessings and the things that work out for them. A classic everyone will enjoy.
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