Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Welcome to stop #8 on the Unhinged Halloween Blog Tour!! I'm super stoked to be hosting this fabulous event. We've got some fun today! Check it out!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
(Picture Attributions: Dark water fairy by Cgullah; Creature from the Black Lagoon by James Vaughan; Troll By Anne-Sophie; Medusa by Chris Brown; Creepy thing in a crate by Danielle Blue; Every Child's Nightmare by Stephanie Massaro; The Grey Alien by Cheryl Grayum; Alien by Becky. )
Want to check out the creepily awesome trailer for Unhinged? View it HERE! Want to see the other snazzy stops on the tour? Check out the FULL TOUR SCHEDULE! Thanks to Rockstar Book Tours for hosting this fabulous event! And thank YOU for stopping by! Have a lovely Tuesday! Let me know if you run into any monsters this Halloween! XOXO,

Monsters in Wonderland VS Monsters in the Human Realm…
Today we’re having a speed-debate
between Jeb and Morpheus over whose monster is the whole
package—cunning, powerful, creepy. We’ve grouped their 4 monster
choices into pairs per their intructions. Our players are seated
across one another at a small table, and each get three sentences of
back and forth to make their case. Morpheus won the coin toss
(although we suspect magic was afoot) so he’s first.
And… go!
The Fideal VS The Creature from the
Black Lagoon:
Morpheus: *drags wing over shoulder
and rubs off a smudge* I’d just like to point out that these
cannot possibly be in the same category considering Jebediah’s
choice is a wax figure.
Jeb: It’s the only royalty-free pic I
could find, bug guts, and you just used your first sentence for
Morpheus: *looks up from preening*
As did you.
Jeb: *holds up two fingers* My
creature can breathe in or out of water, lurks beneath the surface
virtually invisible, then forces his victim under to drown them.
Morpheus: *drops wing and pulls on
gloves* My fideal uses an alluring song and her dark sensuality
to draw moony-eyed lesser-minded human clods, such as yourself, into
the water of their own accord where she sucks the life from them.
Jeb: Black Lagoon dude is descended
from amphibious dinosaurs and was resourceful enough to survive the
ice age while still managing to have those full pouty lips any fideal
would envy. *grins*
Bridge Troll VS Medusa:
Morpheus: My monster can turn people to
stone by touching them.
Jeb: Mine just has to glance at them.
Morpheus: Yet mine can look in the
mirror without turning himself to stone.
Jeb: But why would something that ugly
want to look in the mirror? *coughs*
Morpheus: His dreadlocks are enchanted
with telepathic powers that brainwash his victims into being so
fearful of staying in place, they cross his bridge even when they
know it’s their death on the other side.
Jeb: Medusa has venomous snakes on her
head, so her bad hair day is fatal to anyone who gets within striking
Hobyah VS The Monster Under the Bed:
Morpheus: My monster lives in
children’s closets—scratching walls and clanging hangers—existing
only within their wild imagination but growing stronger and more real
with each cumulative fear.
Jeb: *thumps table* Hmmm . . .
same for mine, except he affects adults and children alike, lives
beneath the bed, and goes bump in the night.
Morpheus and Jeb: *glaring at one
another* Next!
IT (Intra Terrestrial) VS Extra
Morpheus: My creature comes from deep
within the bowels of the earth, reflecting in its ancient, agonized
eyes all of the wrongs your kind has wrought upon nature and her
gifts—showing what you truly are . . . parasites.
Jeb: *scowls* Not every human
takes our world for granted . . . ever hear of environmentalists?
Morpheus: If your kind had the ability
to live in harmony with their natural resources to begin with, the
earth would not be depleted and there would be no need for such
Jeb: *clenches jaw* Back to the
monster debate, mine has psychic abilities and makes mental and
physical probing a sick art form.
Morpheus: Mine can also intrude on the
mind, and has the ability to fill its victims with such dread and
remorse, they no longer feel worthy of life and often take their own.
Jeb: Mine comes from outer space with
the potential and technology to obliterate everything . . . world
anhilation as opposed to one human being equals my monster kicks your
monster’s ass.
*both guys stand, palms pressed to
the table between them, staring one another down*
You be the judge! Let us know in the
comments who you think won the debate and why—or if you think it
was a stalemate. By casting your vote and entering the rafflecopter
below, you have a shot at winning this gorgeous book which was used
as a reference for the fairy monsters:
Also, be sure you’ve entered the
other rafflecopter for a chance to win one of 12 UNHINGED ARCs.
Tomorrow, Jenara and Alyssa talk about
their favorite Halloween movie and the impact it had on Alyssa’s
prom clothes.
Hope to see you there for stop number
---------ABOUT THE BOOK---------
Alyssa Gardner has been down the rabbit hole and faced the bandersnatch. She saved the life of Jeb, the guy she loves, and escaped the machinations of the disturbingly seductive Morpheus and the vindictive Queen Red. Now all she has to do is graduate high school and make it through prom so she can attend the prestigious art school in London she's always dreamed of.
That would be easier without her mother, freshly released from an asylum, acting overly protective and suspicious. And it would be much simpler if the mysterious Morpheus didn’t show up for school one day to tempt her with another dangerous quest in the dark, challenging Wonderland—where she (partly) belongs.
As prom and graduation creep closer, Alyssa juggles Morpheus’s unsettling presence in her real world with trying to tell Jeb the truth about a past he’s forgotten. Glimpses of Wonderland start to bleed through her art and into her world in very disturbing ways, and Morpheus warns that Queen Red won’t be far behind.
If Alyssa stays in the human realm, she could endanger Jeb, her parents, and everyone she loves. But if she steps through the rabbit hole again, she'll face a deadly battle that could cost more than just her head.
A.G. Howard was inspired to write SPLINTERED while working at a school library. She always wondered what would've happened had the subtle creepiness of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland taken center stage, and she hopes her darker and funkier tribute to Carroll will inspire readers to seek out the stories that won her heart as a child.
When she's not writing, A.G.'s pastimes are reading, rollerblading, gardening, and family vacations which often include impromptu side trips to 18th century graveyards or condemned schoolhouses to appease her overactive muse.
Want to check out the creepily awesome trailer for Unhinged? View it HERE! Want to see the other snazzy stops on the tour? Check out the FULL TOUR SCHEDULE! Thanks to Rockstar Book Tours for hosting this fabulous event! And thank YOU for stopping by! Have a lovely Tuesday! Let me know if you run into any monsters this Halloween! XOXO,

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