Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Waiting on Wednesday
Welcome to my WOW, or HOW as I like to call it where I feature an upcoming release that I'm hyperventilating for! It's totally fun to geek out about upcoming releases! This event is hosted by the lovely Jill @ Breaking The Spine. Today's awesome-sauce pick is....

In The After
by Demitria Lunetta
TBP: 6.25.13 by HarperTeen
Attack. Not isolated. Fate of Americans unknown.Amy is watching TV when it happens, when the world is attacked by Them. These vile creatures are rapidly devouring mankind. Most of the population is overtaken, but Amy manages to survive—and even rescue “Baby,” a toddler she finds in an abandoned supermarket. Marooned in Amy’s house, the girls do everything they can to survive—and avoid Them at all costs. After years of hiding, they are miraculously rescued and taken to New Hope, a colony of survivors living in a former government research compound. While at first the colony seems like a dream with plenty of food, safety, and shelter, New Hope slowly reveals that it is far from ideal. And Amy soon realizes that unless things change, she’ll lose Baby—and much more

Why I'm Hyperventilating:
In honor of Halloween today I've decided to hyperventilate on an upcoming creepy read. And as such I have chosen...In The After.The cover and synopsis were revealed yesterday! Woot! Okay so take a good cover scan and synopsis read. I dare you not to tell me that you don't think this book will be CREEPY.

Um it is. I think via the season lately I've been in a creepy phase, and this book would totally fit the bill for me! It's apocalyptic with mysterious THEM. What is THEM? Zombies? Vampires? Zompires? Oooh. So scary! I'm kinda excited to find out! And the cover is just...I will not say gorg.....just thrilling. There I didn't say it. It totally fits and the cracks and vines give a whole new dimension to it. Meep! I totally can't wait to get my hands on this book.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! What are you waiting/hyperventilating on today?
Leave a Link!


  1. Thank you for putting this on your blog...I'm so glad you're excited!

  2. I hadn't heard of this one before! Thanks for sharing, it does fit with the Halloween goodness pretty well. ^.^ If you would like to check out my Waiting On Wednesday you can do so here. :)

  3. OH YAY!!! We have the same WOW pick this Wednesday Hannah!And I agree the cover is thrilling ;)

    -keep rocking XD
    Lizzy @ Read-A-holicZ, My WOW

    1. WOOT for creepy scary books! :D Haha. You too!

  4. Where did the creepy things come from? Are they aliens - I would love if they were aliens! I hadn't seen this one until now, so thanks for sharing!

    My WoW pick this week is Truth or Dare by Jacqueline Green

    1. I know not! Welcome! Oooh that's a great one!

  5. Definitely a great Halloween WOW-very creepy sounding! I'm not sure I'm brave enough so I'll have to wait for reviews to let me know if I should check it out.

  6. Great pick for Halloween! Love zombie novels...I'm sure this one will be awesome! Thanks for sharing & for stopping by!

  7. Not a big fan of scary books but I do like the ones with the creep factor in it. This one looks really good, awesome pick. Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. This one is on my list, too! Looks great!

    Thanks for stopping by my WOW at YA Sisterhood.


  9. This one sounds awesome! I really want to know what 'them' are. Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

  10. Wow, this sounds uber-creepy! I don't know if I would be able to handle the suspense of it! Great pick for Halloween :)

  11. Ahhh! This sounds so deliciously creepy. Thanks for sharing! Just added it to my TBR list.

  12. AHH I want this one! It sounds soo creepy. Thank you for sharing this one. I didn't know it was around :D
    Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada
    Waiting on Wednesday

  13. I've never seen this book before but I'll definitely check it out!

    Great pick!
    Sam @ Falling Books

  14. Ohhh, why did you have to pick CREEPY? Now, I'm bound to be curious about this book and get myself into all sorts of trouble that's bound to give me nightmares later and will make regret being curious in the first place. THANKS A LOT. You have no considerations for wimpy bloggers like me. How awful of you.

  15. Sounds awesome! I'm also wondering what THEM are?! Aliens? Vampires? Zombies? And this facility sounds like bad news! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!


Heyo! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I love to hear from my awesome-sauce blog readers. You just made my day! I try to reply to every comment I get so if you have a question check back later! Or just link me up to your blog (if you have one) and I'll visit you! Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day! <333 Inky

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