Monday, August 19, 2013
If you can't tell from the awesome banner above, I'm taking part in the Gated blog tour! I'm so excited you guys! This book is way awesome and I'm so excited to get you excited for it! Here's some jazzy blurb about the book:
by Amy Christine Parker
Published: 8. 6. 13
Pages: 352

This book was fascinating! The premise gives off this aura that made me very curious. I thought this new twist on the apocalypse was awesome-sauce. For on thing I was very interested in the world building. It's shared in flashbacks and peices and the whole setting was just interesting!
Parkers writing style is easy to get into and connect with. I feel like this was presented well. It didn't rush but it didn't speed either. And I liked that. Lylas character was easy to understand and connect with. She felt REAL. Something about her just clicked with me. Her voice, her beliefs.. She's a very independent character. And I liked her.
I'm not going to gush TOO much because I'll have a more detailed review to come, but let me just say this book is fascinating, original and very well done. You MUST give this book.a chance.
That's if for me today! Thanks so much for stopping by! Don't miss the rest of the tour! And go pick up for copy of this fabulous book today! XOXO,

by Amy Christine Parker
Published: 8. 6. 13
Pages: 352

Do the gates keep the unchosen out or the chosen in?In Mandrodage Meadows, life seems perfect. The members of this isolated suburban community have thrived under Pioneer, the charismatic leader who saved them from their sad, damaged lives. Lyla Hamilton and her parents are original members of the flock. They moved here following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, looking to escape the evil in the world. Now seventeen, Lyla knows certain facts are not to be questioned:
Pioneer is her leader.
Will is her Intended.
The end of the world is near.
Like Noah before him, Pioneer has been told of the imminent destruction of humanity. He says his chosen must arm themselves to fight off the unchosen people, who will surely seek refuge in the compound's underground fortress--the Silo.
Lyla loves her family and friends, but given the choice, she prefers painting to target practice. And lately she'd rather think about a certain boy outside the compound than plan for married life in the Silo with Will. But with the end of days drawing near, she will have to pick up a gun, take a side, and let everyone know where she stands.
What People Are Saying:
Gretchen McNeil, author of TEN:
“A tense psychological thriller that will leave you gasping for breath as you race to the very last page.”
Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews, June 15, 2013:
"Parker doesn’t pull punches, indicating a level of brutality that will appropriately disturb even as it successfully conveys Lyla’s complete entrapment in the Community. Compelling and not that distant from real-world cults that have ended in tragedy."
Publishers Weekly, June 10, 2013:
"Parker skillfully explores the mindset and inner workings of an apocalyptic cult, steadily building toward the inevitable moment of truth...As for the apocalypse itself, Parker keeps things suitably ambiguous, resulting in a complex, intriguing tale rooted in real-world events."
This book was fascinating! The premise gives off this aura that made me very curious. I thought this new twist on the apocalypse was awesome-sauce. For on thing I was very interested in the world building. It's shared in flashbacks and peices and the whole setting was just interesting!
Parkers writing style is easy to get into and connect with. I feel like this was presented well. It didn't rush but it didn't speed either. And I liked that. Lylas character was easy to understand and connect with. She felt REAL. Something about her just clicked with me. Her voice, her beliefs.. She's a very independent character. And I liked her.
I'm not going to gush TOO much because I'll have a more detailed review to come, but let me just say this book is fascinating, original and very well done. You MUST give this book.a chance.
4 Stars
About The Author
AMY CHRISTINE PARKER writes full-time from her home near Tampa, Florida, where she lives with her husband, their two daughters, and one ridiculously fat cat. Visit her at and follow her on Twitter @amychristinepar.
That's if for me today! Thanks so much for stopping by! Don't miss the rest of the tour! And go pick up for copy of this fabulous book today! XOXO,

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