Saturday, August 17, 2013
by C. J. Rewine
Publishing: 8. 27. 13
Pages: 480

Something is seriously wrong with me.
Just as in Defiance, Rachel is seriously kick-all-the-butt. Ha. She's as fierce, loyal and still insanely good with a sword. I loved that her character was still strong, despite all the demons raging within her. Speaking of, oh man. Rachel does go through the wringer emotionally. Just watching the after-affects of Defiance roll in combined with all the ups and downs of Deception? It's tough. It made me feel all the feels for Rachel. But she stayed strong and still kicked all the butt I could have wanted her too. Rachel FTW!
If we're talking character love, I totally cannot forget Logan [aka. my book boyfriend for LIFE]. He's still as ridiculously smart, scientific and swoony as he was in Defiance. Even moreso? He's got his own demons and issues and all the while he's the same voice you know and love! And love some more....
These two characters have the most beautifully broken lives and yet they still work! The romance works! Which brings me to the spot where I happily report that no stupid romance issues pop up! Proof of how un SBS this book is! Rachel and Logan? They just ROCK. And the rest of the cast is phenomenal! They rock so hard. You hate who you're supposed to hate, love who you're supposed to love, pity and sympathize with those who need it and just FEEL with them. It's so vivid. And wonderful.
This book was insanely action-packed. It starts off, starts a chugging and then we are on full speed ahead. Seriously. If yo uthink it's safe? It's not. Don't ever believe your brain. It's intense and the action comes in all shapes and sizes. Which I LOVED. There was variety, but there was never a dull moment! Sure there were downtimes, but there is always something happening to keep you excited and on your toes. And when there's an aura of mystery, she keeps you guessing and re-thinking yourself and the eventually surprising you to the point where you think you were an idiot for not getting it sooner.
Of course with this kind of a book Redwine just has to kill our feels with an ending. An ending so unexpected and insane and yet so full of feels and anticipating and hope that there will be just one more page. An ending that makes you scream and shout with awesomeness. WAAAH. Feels. More feels. And more desperate need for the third book.
So because my brain can't think of anything else to rave about I will wrap this up. I could NOT have asked for a better sequel. I expected, they were met. And more. And more! C. J. fulfilled the standard of a sequel while keeping it new, fresh and oh so exciting. I am in love with these books and HIGHLY recommend them. Keep your eyes peeled for Deception to hit stores this month and if you still haven't read Defiance? What are you waiting for?
Uh-huh. I'm a little in love with these books. Those are my squeals! Now tell me yours! XOXO,

by C. J. Rewine
Publishing: 8. 27. 13
Pages: 480

Baalboden has been ravaged. The brutal Commander's whereabouts are unknown. And Rachel, grief stricken over her father's death, needs Logan more than ever. With their ragged group of survivors struggling to forge a future, it's up to Logan to become the leader they need—with Rachel by his side. Under constant threat from rival Carrington's army, who is after the device that controls the Cursed One, the group decides to abandon the ruins of their home and take their chances in the Wasteland. But soon their problems intensify tenfold: someone—possibly inside their ranks—is sabotaging the survivors, picking them off one by one. The chaos and uncertainty of each day puts unbearable strain on Rachel and Logan, and it isn't long before they feel their love splintering. Even worse, as it becomes clear that the Commander will stop at nothing to destroy them, the band of survivors begins to question whether the price of freedom may be too great—and whether, hunted by their enemies and the murderous traitor in their midst, they can make it out of the Wasteland alive.Deception, how I love thee! Let me count the ways....oh wait too many to count! In all honesty this book was seriously to die for. After loving Defiance to death last year, this book was easily my most anticipated. And boy did Redwine deliver a powerful sequel. My mind is blown. To smithereens. Now floating in the atmosphere...okay you get the picture. Basically my worries about Deception having Second Book Syndrome? Blown to smithereens.
Just as in Defiance, Rachel is seriously kick-all-the-butt. Ha. She's as fierce, loyal and still insanely good with a sword. I loved that her character was still strong, despite all the demons raging within her. Speaking of, oh man. Rachel does go through the wringer emotionally. Just watching the after-affects of Defiance roll in combined with all the ups and downs of Deception? It's tough. It made me feel all the feels for Rachel. But she stayed strong and still kicked all the butt I could have wanted her too. Rachel FTW!
If we're talking character love, I totally cannot forget Logan [
These two characters have the most beautifully broken lives and yet they still work! The romance works! Which brings me to the spot where I happily report that no stupid romance issues pop up! Proof of how un SBS this book is! Rachel and Logan? They just ROCK. And the rest of the cast is phenomenal! They rock so hard. You hate who you're supposed to hate, love who you're supposed to love, pity and sympathize with those who need it and just FEEL with them. It's so vivid. And wonderful.
This book was insanely action-packed. It starts off, starts a chugging and then we are on full speed ahead. Seriously. If yo uthink it's safe? It's not. Don't ever believe your brain. It's intense and the action comes in all shapes and sizes. Which I LOVED. There was variety, but there was never a dull moment! Sure there were downtimes, but there is always something happening to keep you excited and on your toes. And when there's an aura of mystery, she keeps you guessing and re-thinking yourself and the eventually surprising you to the point where you think you were an idiot for not getting it sooner.
Before I forget, I just have to mention the Cursed One. Becaue he's the freaking bomb. Although I was actually really sad we didn't see more of him..[her?] this book. Why I'm so obsessed with something that everyone in the book is afraid of I don't know. But I do know that what we saw the Cursed One was hecka legit. And that the things C. J. subtley mentioned about the Cursed One have me so excited and guessing and hoping that I can't stand it. If anything? Read for the Cursed One alone!
So because my brain can't think of anything else to rave about I will wrap this up. I could NOT have asked for a better sequel. I expected, they were met. And more. And more! C. J. fulfilled the standard of a sequel while keeping it new, fresh and oh so exciting. I am in love with these books and HIGHLY recommend them. Keep your eyes peeled for Deception to hit stores this month and if you still haven't read Defiance? What are you waiting for?
Uh-huh. I'm a little in love with these books. Those are my squeals! Now tell me yours! XOXO,

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