Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to my WOW, or HOW as I like to call it where I feature an upcoming release that I'm hyperventilating for! It's totally fun to geek out about upcoming releases! This event is hosted by Jill @ Breaking The Spine. Today's awesome-sauce pick is....

by Aimee Carter
Publishing: 11. 26. 13

For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country.This book sounds phenomenal! From the catching premise I've gotten super excited about this one. This sounds like and Uglies meets The Selection! How cool is that? Not to mention the cover is pretty awesome itself! I'm super excited to read this one!
If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister's niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter.
There's only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that's not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she's only beginning to understand.
What are you waiting on?
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- Review: Shatter Me
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