Friday, August 16, 2013
Shatter Me
by Taherah MafiPublished: 10. 2. 12
Pages: 340

I have a curse.I have a gift.I'm a monster. I'm more than human.My touch is lethal.My touch is power.I am their weapon. I will fight back.
No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal, but The Reestablishment has plans for her. Plans to use her as a weapon. But Juliette has plans of her own. After a lifetime without freedom, she's finally discovering a strength to fight back for the very first time—and to find a future with the one boy she thought she'd lost forever.
***WARNING: mild spoilers for SM***
Let's start with something that becomes obvious from basically the first sentence. The writing style. I adored it. As a writer, seeing and comparing styles is big for me, when done right. And I found that Taherah had beautiful writing. Her style of strikethrough text was fascinating.
But as a character? I'm not sure what to think of her. She's strong and has been dealt a heavy hand in life. And yet, sometimes I didn't know what to make of her. It seemed to me that she was a bundle of feelings that escape through the story. However as good and true as this all was, I wasn't as connected to HER as I was to her voice. Make sense? That's basically how I can describe it so we're gonna leave it there.
Of course like any good dystopian we gotta fall in love with the hot boy. I feel kinda lucky going into this prepared and knowing that Adam has center stage in Shatter Me and Warner is like the thing in Unravel Me. However I still know know what to make of either of them. Since
As for the other side of the triangle, I can't say that I'm Team Adam either.
Kenji though, HA! Notorious sarcastic Kenji. The humorous bone in the book. Gotta love him. I heard all about him and as soon as he came on the scene, I totally jumped on his bandwagon. He's not a love interest, thank goodness, but he's classic, and added a spark of like to the story. Team Kenji all the way.
Now the plot? It's a Dystopian, what do you expect. As far as elements and twists go I felt like it followed the generic pattern of the genre for the most part. Although there are some things set-up that have me interested to see if anything comes of it in the next book.
So Shatter Me. The final analysis? I liked it. It was an enjoyable read. It had an engaging plot and a nice cast. But at the end of the day, some emotions lacked for me. However I'm very curious about this infamous Unravel Me, so I will be getting my hands on that one, at some point. Probably next year when Ignite Me is all the rage. Because reading the books a year behind everyone is totally the things these days you know?
Content: Moderate
[Language including the s word at some points. Kissing, touching, innuendo.]
There you go, all you peeps who were dying to know. What do you think? Agree? Disagree? XOXO,

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