Sunday, November 11, 2012
HIYA Everybodeeee!!! Welcome to Day 1 of the new bi-weekly meme I'm co-hosting with Megan and Cheyenne! If you missed my announcement yesterday you can find out more HERE! But if not, here's how it's going down. We post a topic, and share our thoughts. Then you chime in and it's a full blown discussion full of Novel Thoughts! Get it? Got it? Good! Let's go think Novelish things!
Today's Novel Thought is..................
Inky's Thoughts.....
Easy Peasy....Young Adult. Okay so maybe not. I love seriously like everything within that classifications except maybe Horror and Erotica. But seriously. I'll read it all. Paranormal Mysteries to chick-flicks. I'll read anything! But for the purposes of this NT I have chosen HISTORICAL FICTION.
What in the world do you see in that genre Inky?
EVERYTHING. I love studying history. I'm partial to English/Medical history, but I love it all! I love reading fantastical stories and adventures, tales of the past. It's fascinating. It's really fun to see how civilizations have evolved from out early ancestors. I love to see how people re-imagine those places
Bewitching Season
WHY: For one thing, this adorable novel is set inVictorian London so you'vegot this classic setting with balls, and debuts, and all the loveliness of the romantic er. But then you've got this new addition with a little fantasy twist, and some magic thrown in there. I love these kinds of books because they give you the era, plus some make-believe which is always cool by me.
WHY: My review isn't up yet but This. Book. Is. Amazing. I've always loved Italy and anything historical there, but this book is Pure Epic. It's got a gorgeously told setting with intrigue to creep you out and make you never want to stop reading this book. It's natural intrigue which is really the best kind I think. Not to mention hot Italian guys. If I can get a good historical with hot boys in it, I'm good for life.
WHY: Same thing as Book Thief. TRUE. GRIT. This book gave it all. Holding nothing back, this is the true story. The web of lies and suspicion the backstabbing people in the courts, the Hungers Games of Power. It's vivid and shocking and just powerfully real. I loved being able to stare reality in the face and not get the glitter and romance for once. It's just incredible.
In Conclusion....Begin Discussion!
I love Historicals. I'm seriously in love with them, if you haven't picked that up from the notes on my favorites. But that's me. Now I want to hear your thoughts. I want to know what Genres you love, and what your favorites are within those! Tell me all about it! Tell me why you love certain aspects of the genre! What appeals to you? What do you not like? WHY? Do you like Historicals? This is YOUR moment to share you thoughts with the blogosphere! Let's Novel some thoughts!
Make sure to visit the other lovely host's blogs for their Novel thoughts! They're spotlighting some awesome genres and books.
And that's it you guys for DAY ONE of Novel Thoughts! I hope you guys talk your heart out to me! I can't wait to see what you think! Please share this and link up to me if you're posting! I HEART YOU ALL!! XOXO,

Today's Novel Thought is..................
What is your Favorite book genre?
What are some of your favorite books in that genre?
Inky's Thoughts.....
Easy Peasy....Young Adult. Okay so maybe not. I love seriously like everything within that classifications except maybe Horror and Erotica. But seriously. I'll read it all. Paranormal Mysteries to chick-flicks. I'll read anything! But for the purposes of this NT I have chosen HISTORICAL FICTION.
What in the world do you see in that genre Inky?
EVERYTHING. I love studying history. I'm partial to English/Medical history, but I love it all! I love reading fantastical stories and adventures, tales of the past. It's fascinating. It's really fun to see how civilizations have evolved from out early ancestors. I love to see how people re-imagine those places
My Favorite Historical Novels...
-in no particular order-

WHY: For one thing, this adorable novel is set inVictorian London so you'vegot this classic setting with balls, and debuts, and all the loveliness of the romantic er. But then you've got this new addition with a little fantasy twist, and some magic thrown in there. I love these kinds of books because they give you the era, plus some make-believe which is always cool by me.
The Book Thief
WHY: I absolutely Loved this novel. It had this incredibly harsh setting during WW2, but it was vivid , it was lush and it was heartbreaking. I love a good historical that can paint such an accurate story and not leave anything behind. I love a good hard book like this because it's REAL. It's the bibbidi-bobiddi-boo of the scene with a little Stepmother frowning down. It's shows real live consequences. That's what this book gave and that's what I loved.
Grave Mercy
WHY: Holy Smokes guys. This is one rocking historical novel. It's quite a tumultuous setting historic wise, and then there's this new supernatural effect. But the thing about this wasn't magic. I don't even know if you could really call it supernatural. More of a new religion I guess? But it was different. She's taken a new twist and fit it right into the goings on. I was wowed. Impressed. In love with this story. Everything was awesome.
The Scarlet Pimpernel
WHY: This book is my historical tribute to the classics. But not even that, this book is Genius! Through and through, it's an adventure that's incredibly funny and engaging without adding any out of the ordinary twists. It's the French Revolt with secret enemies and lots of intrigue! It's an amazing book and one that I loved reading and watch the movie over and over for. Truly legit.Venom
WHY: My review isn't up yet but This. Book. Is. Amazing. I've always loved Italy and anything historical there, but this book is Pure Epic. It's got a gorgeously told setting with intrigue to creep you out and make you never want to stop reading this book. It's natural intrigue which is really the best kind I think. Not to mention hot Italian guys. If I can get a good historical with hot boys in it, I'm good for life.
WHY: First off, Lisa is amazing. She can take a historical setting and make it real. The way she re-creates 13th cent Italy here is by not-so-kindly shoving 21st century girls into the past. It was a JOY to experience that historical period with them. It's real, it's exciting, it's gripping it's romantic. She's got the hot boy factor as well. She's got the political games going on here, not so much intrigue but the setting is amazing, and I think this is what made me fall in love with Medieval Italy in the first place.Gilt
WHY: Same thing as Book Thief. TRUE. GRIT. This book gave it all. Holding nothing back, this is the true story. The web of lies and suspicion the backstabbing people in the courts, the Hungers Games of Power. It's vivid and shocking and just powerfully real. I loved being able to stare reality in the face and not get the glitter and romance for once. It's just incredible.
And now since Chey likes Sci-fi and Megan loves Contemporary, I'm going to spotlight a couple of my favorites from their favorite genres! Wootness!
Top Two Contemp Favorites:
I love these books. They are light and fun. Hilarious with awesome characters, dabbles in romance and life lessons. Totally worth your time to read!
Top Two Sci-Fi Favorites:
I would rave on these books ALL DAY. They are stunning. ATU is one intense mystery with a crazy awesome world-building. Cinder is wonderfull sci-fi fairytale retelling! It's gripping, romantic, and genius. Both books are so worth the read.I love Historicals. I'm seriously in love with them, if you haven't picked that up from the notes on my favorites. But that's me. Now I want to hear your thoughts. I want to know what Genres you love, and what your favorites are within those! Tell me all about it! Tell me why you love certain aspects of the genre! What appeals to you? What do you not like? WHY? Do you like Historicals? This is YOUR moment to share you thoughts with the blogosphere! Let's Novel some thoughts!
*Psst guys! I might even share some of your comments!*
Make sure to visit the other lovely host's blogs for their Novel thoughts! They're spotlighting some awesome genres and books.
And that's it you guys for DAY ONE of Novel Thoughts! I hope you guys talk your heart out to me! I can't wait to see what you think! Please share this and link up to me if you're posting! I HEART YOU ALL!! XOXO,

Labels:blog event,Blogs,Meme,Novel Thoughts
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