Monday, November 26, 2012
Welcome to Week Two of the new meme hosted by myself, The Book Babe & This Girl Reads. If you missed the Novel Thoughts from Two Weeks ago, see...HERE! If you want to know how to participate and have SO MUCH FUN with us twice a month then goo.....HERE! But moving on, this week's topic is..................BELOW!

If you could live in the world of any book, which would it be? And which fictional world would scare you the most if you woke up there tomorrow?

Inky's Thoughts:
Wow. This is one epic topic to splurge on. When I first thought of what to say I was like......Huh? How am I supposed to pick? But then the answer slammed me from behind, and it's TOTALLY perfect. And obvious if you have any clue what my FAVORITE book is. Sooo my answer is....

The map itself proves how epic of a landscape it would be. But here are my reasons;

Why I Want To Live There:
I would FREAK OUT, literally FANGIRL to live there. On one condition. It's AFTER the time of Sauron. After the events of Lord of the Rings. Before? No thank you. But seriously. LOOK at the images below. Do you not want to live there now? 
I mean just LOOK. Really LOOK. Isn't that GORGEOUS?! I'm in love. Always. I would die to get to live there!!!

I would hate to wake up there if it was during the reign of Sauron and everything looked like this:

 That would be ugly, evil and oh-so UNCOOL. Never. I would freak out since I know how things were during that time. Course, I would know how things turn out...but STILL. I could be one of the peeps who DIES. Not for me.

BAYERN: I'd love to live here. It's a gorgeous land, generally peaceful and with a wonderful form a magic that it'd be hard NOT to want to live here. Just... EPIC. :D I'm in. All the way. (couldn't find a map sorry!)

BAALBODEN: I would HEART living here. For one thing, the world is epic, even with a big beast called the Cursed One. :D It's not totally messed up, and it's got this cool historical feel too it. Plus...LOGAN LIVES THERE!!!!!!! That's a huge bonus. Like, a SERIOUSLY epic-tastic bonus I could TOTALLY live with. If Rachel were dead. 


RAVKA: From the world of Shadow and Bone I'd HATE to wake up here. Just look at the map. It's creepy enough. This place is full for a dark magic and creatures. Eew. Eew. Sure, Male lives there, but honestly, I'd like to crush on the guy in a different part of town. 

THE FINAL EMPIRE: Nope. Never. Can't Do That. I will never ever want to live in the lands from Mistborn. Why? You're probably wondering since I MAJORLY HEART THESE BOOKS. Hey, I LOVE Lord of the Rings but I would not want to live there. Same concept applies. I would HATE. And I mean hate, to live in the Mistborn lands while the books go on. It'd be like a living hell. No understatement. I wouldn't want to live there after these books happened either because....BECUASE.....*#$$^@!#$)@%($^ *.....I can't tell you. Unless you've read the books. Oh bummer, guess you're just gonna have too. ;)

SO! Those are my Novel Thoughts on the worlds I would Love/Hate living in! Thanks to Sarah for suggesting this AWESOME topic. Do you want to suggest one? Fill out the form HERE.

What lands would you love or hate to live in? I want to hear! Spill the Beans!! HAPPY MONDAY, 

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