Saturday, June 2, 2012
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Series: Mistborn #1
Published: 6. 25. 06 by Tor Fantasy
Pages: 657

Once, a hero arose to save the world. A young man with a mysterious heritage courageously challenged the darkness that strangled the land. He failed.

For a thousand years since, the world has been a wasteland of ash and mist ruled by the immortal emperor known as the Lord Ruler. Every revolt has failed miserably. Yet somehow, hope survives. Hope that dares to dream of ending the empire and even the Lord Ruler himself. A new kind of uprising is being planned, one built around the ultimate caper, one that depends on the cunning of a brilliant criminal mastermind and the determination of an unlikely heroine, a street urchin who must learn to master Allomancy, the power of a Mistborn.

Inky's Blurb
OH MY GOODNESS! This is sure to give you the biggest *after-shock of AWESOMENESS ever! when you finish a REALLY AMAZING book and then you can't get over it! *hyperventilating ensues*

This book is pure GENIUS. Brandon Sanderson takes a completely generic idea (Bad Overlord Needs to be Crushed) and makes it the latest, greatest, and one of the most unique books I have ever read. WOW. I loved it all. From the characters to the magic to the action to the romance it's all EPIC! ACK. I can't get over how awesome it is. Sorry for my repetitiveness. 

Brandon Sanderson writes with great style. He can hold your interest and portray all the scenes of the story with accuracy and slides in just enough description that it's not overwhelming but not to little to get the picture. It was enthralling. Reading from the eyes of his characters, even though they were all in 3rd person was amazing. I felt like I had some sort of connection to each of them. 

Vin is The Bomb of the story. (I mean who wouldn't love a girl named VIN?) At first I wasn't sure that she could be done justice seeing as it's a male author, but never fear. She had that hard warrior side and then she has her feminine side. I'm so glad I got to see both parts. Kelsier is the other main protag and he's so funny. He's wacky and incredible and hardcore in one. Loved him! 

I don't know what it is but I seem to be reading a lot of books lately about a girl on a team(or in this case, "crew") of guys. Haha. (i.e. Touch of Power) I LOVED this crew. Made up of a mix of characteristics and personalities that I'd have to have memory loss to forget them and their awesome glory. Not forgetting the other side characters as well, even if they were evil.

There is quite a bit of action and magic in this book. It is NOT a dry read. But it isn't a fluff read either. It's not something you just "read over a weekend". Maybe you could though, I don't know. As for the magic.....Zippidee-Doo-Dah! One of the most unique styles of magic ever! I really don't know how I could explain it to you but it deals with metal and it's VERY Cool. 'nuff said. 

Okay now that I've spewed my ravings all over this post is there something I didn't like? Actually yes. I felt the attraction-to-love aspect of Vin's romance with he-who-shall-not-be-named was a bit fast. I LOVED the romance but it did seem to go a bit faster than likely. Of course I should take into consideration that part of it wasn't as broadcast. 

Over all this is the BOMB, new favorite and I highly suggest reading this book! It will take you on a ride you won't want to get off of (thank goodness for sequels). Powerful, exciting and just all-in-all thrilling! This is the fist book I've read by Brandon and for sure it won't be the last one!

Content: Moderate

(Some language(D***, He**, Bloody, swearing on the Lord Ruler). Because you are reading about evil people there are EVIL things.(Lords are allowed to have(bed) any woman but then they have to kill them the next day so nothing happens ) Violence. Somewhat specific details a few times.)

*when you finish a REALLY AMAZING book and then you can't get over it!

This review is 100% from Inky's Brain.
Use of this review w/out consent is prohibited.


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