Monday, April 23, 2012
LCs Adventures

I have got another fun interview with a fellow book blogger today! Some of you may know her as Lea, and some maybe as LC from Libraryland! She also loves "designing" her nails, shopping, TV, and taking care of her web design business.

Welcome to the blog LC!

M&M's Or Skittles?

I am OBSESSED with Skittles. I've tried all the different kinds-- Tropical, Berry, the Blenders-- but nothing beats original Skittles.  Yup, I'm a Skittles addict :) 
Besides a love of books what made you want to share your reviews w/others? 

I work as a librarian, and my first blog was actually about the different aspects of being a librarian, but then I thought that doing book reviews would be much more fun. Eventually, I just dropped the librarian blog and now spend all my time on LC's Adventures in Libraryland. So originally, I started my book blog because I was a librarian and wanted to be more involved in "bookish" things but now I blog because it is incredibly fun and the book blogger community ROCKS
Most excited books to read this year?

I am really excited to read Venom by Fiona Paul-- it takes place in Renaissance Venice, and I just LOVE the gorgeous cover! Plus, it's a book that not everyone knows about. I tend to read books that are less well-known so that I can let my readers know about them after!
Favorite Books and Authors?

Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan series, Anna Godbersen's Luxe series, Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi, Fateful by Claudia Gray, Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs, and The Sharp Time by Mary O'Connell. To name a few ;) 
What's your Favorite Color?

I love yellow-- it's such a cheery, happy color! It's probably my favorite color to wear. Pink comes in close second.
When did you start really reading a lot?

I've been a big reader ever since I was a little girl-- I used to love reading the Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and anything about history.

What's your Favorite Book Genre to read?

Well within YA, I'm really loving contemporary right now, I think it's a summertime thing. But actually I also LOVE reading historical non-fiction and biographies, especially ones about the Tudors like Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and Queen Elizabeth I. I don't blog about these books, but I have a pretty big collection of English history!
If you could have any author to dinner what would it be?

I recently had the chance to listen in on a live chat with Beth Revis, author of Across the Universe. She is so flipping funny, and I think it would be a blast to hang out with her!
Favorite fictional crush?

I fell pretty hard for Ash in The Iron King, but I haven't read the other books in the series yet (I know I have to get on that...) so I'm not sure if I'll still like him once I read more-- I hope I do!!
If you designed your own fortune cookie what would it say?

"Help! I'm stuck in a fortune cookie factory and they won't let me out!"
 Favorite thing so far about book blogging? 
 All the awesome people I've met and getting to talk books with them. I love the book blogger community, they're all so great. And getting advance copies of new books is always a perk too ;)
If you could change one thing about your blog what would it be? 

Nothing! I love my blog-- I designed it myself, and it's all me :)

Thanks for stopping by LC! It was fun! Make sure you visit LC over in Libraryland sometime!

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