Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Series: Darkest Powers Trilogy
Published: 3. 31. 09
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 390
Rating: 4 Stars
SummaryAfter years of frequent moves following her mother’s death, Chloe Saunders’s life is finally settling down. She is attending art school, pursuing her dreams of becoming a director, making friends, and meeting boys. Her biggest concern is that she’s not developing as fast as her friends are. But when puberty does hit, it brings more than hormone surges. Chloe starts seeing ghosts–everywhere, demanding her attention. After she suffers a breakdown, her devoted aunt Lauren gets her into a highly recommended group home. 

At first, Lyle House seems a pretty okay place, except for Chloe’s small problem of fearing she might be facing a lifetime of mental illness. But as she gradually gets to know the other kids at the home–charming Simon and his ominous, unsmiling brother Derek, obnoxious Tori, and Rae, who has a “thing” for fire–Chloe begins to realize that there is something that binds them all together, and it isn’t your usual “problem kid” behaviour. And together they discover that Lyle House is not your usual group home either…

The Book In 3 Words: Fun, Sorta-Creepy, Chiff-hanger!

My Thoughts: There are a ton of raving-good reviews about this book so I don't know why it took me a long time to read this book. I mean come on, the average on Goodreads is 4.06 and if it's over 4 that's usually a great sign. But I'm glad I finally did because I really enjoyed it. The story that you get from the back of the book just intrigues you. Or at least it did for me. I wasn't sure wether I'd like it as much though because of the ghost aspect. I haven't read a lot of ghost, and scary stories because I don't favor them as much. I've read somewhat creepy books in the paranormal genre but this was a new thing for me. 

I loved Kelley's writing. She had a really good way of keeping you reading and interested. I liked her flow and style of writing. The characters were believable and intriguing. Some where the typical book characters, but some just popped at me with surprises I didn't see coming. Yay for character development. Chloe had a really great personality and perspective and I liked her narrative voice a lot. I could understand her way of thinking and why she came to certain conclusions. I can't remember a time I hated her or thought she made a stupid choice. 

I will note that there is not much of a romance plot either. Some people hate books with now romance so I will say that there are the beginnings of one. Two guys, Derek and Simon. Kelley develops both boys. Derek the dark bad boy *insert heart flutter*, and Simon the light less aloof boy. Going with the no romance plot, there is no kissing and Chloe doesn't really pick sides or feel really drawn to either one yet. I am excited to see who and where this goes.  All I will say is: Team Derek. 

Some of you aren't a fan of ghost books.  This might make you push it aside. Honestly I don't think it's that bad at all. It wasn't totally creepy or anything. It wasn't dramatized. There were a couple times that were a bit tense and ghosty, but I think it was well done enough that if you don't read it in the dark like I did it'll be fine and you'll enjoy this paranormal story. 

Thoughts Right After Finishing: WHAT A CLIFF HANGER! I need book two like right now! 

In One Sentence: A very well done, fun read if enjoy paranormal.

Content: Mild - but NOT A GUY BOOK
((A few instances of mild language. No S or F words. One instance of b**** word. Reference to GIRL things such as Menstrual Cycle, Cleavage, Underwear. Some mild innuendo.))

This review is 100% from Inky's brain, and use of this review without consent is prohibited. 


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